Monday, October 3, 2011

Where have we been?

It has been a long time since my last post. May was our 1st anniversary and now we are ready to celebrate our 2nd Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas! That is hard to believe. It will be hard to catch you up on everything up but I'll do my best.

June - She went with me to Pinehurst for the our annual meeting for the first time. I think she enjoyed it but we were not there very long. We left Pinehurst and headed for Charleston where she met more family members. She probably wonders when/if she'll ever meet everyone. :-) We celebrated Father's Day and graduations this month! She wrapped up Kindergarten and started the summer off right!

July - Swimming, swimming and more swimming! I think she'd stay in the water all of the time if given the chance. We went to see Beauty and Beast at the Childrens' Theater in WS. She was so into it! We'll go back again for sure. She met more family and fell in love with Cousin Emily! We went to the beach with Kyle and Kelsey and had a wonderful time! They love her and trust me, she LOVES them!

August - The big news this month is SUMMER is over and back to school she goes! 1st grade - look out! She also lost a lot of teeth over the summer but we are able to somehow get a picture of the toothfairy in action this time. Basically, the summer consisted of playdates, trips, swimming and fun! Just like it should be huh?

September - School is going well. Once we were able to address the excess talking that is! :-) She loves her teacher and has made several new friends. The summer was full of swimming and fun and September was the month of birthday parties. She met more family members (some I had never met) and enjoyed showing off for them when she could!

October - Well, since I am now caught up, I'll say October is going to be very busy as well. We went to the fair this weekend and we are going to see Disney on Ice next weekend. Halloween will be here soon and we've already decorated one pumpkin. The first of a few I'm sure!

I'll do better (or try to anyway) and keep the blog updated.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

And Then There Were Two!

It has been a while since my last post so I thought I'd take a minute to check in.

We have been very busy and rather than trying to remember everything, I thought I'd share this video. I will warn you that it is almost an hour but it covers our entire first year together. :-) I think you can fast forward. The first few minutes includes notes that I received after I emailed everyone of the courts decision to place her with me.

Thanks to everyone for all of their support, love and prayers during this amazing year! I couldn't have done it without you!

God Bless....

Thursday, March 24, 2011

One More Tooth Bites (no pun intended) the Dust!

I pulled tooth #4. She did her best to pull it but couldn't so when I offered to do it, she said sure! It couldn't have been any easier. She thought the tooth fairy would bring her $10 this time. I told her that would weigh too much to which she replied, a $10 bill weighs the same as a $1 bill. I couldn't argue with that but just told her that the "TF" only carries ones. Who knew the "stories" I'd have to make up. :-)

We have a fun skating party to go to this weekend and thank goodness she'll be the only one on wheels. Can you imagine me trying to skate. Walking is hard enough!

We have been enjoying our beautiful spring weather and Daylight Savings Time hasn't messed up her sleeping schedule. She now uses a mask and trust me, if I forget to give it to her as part of our nightly routine, she let's me know!

More to come later......

Friday, March 11, 2011

Just checking in

It has been a while since my last post. It is funny how busy things get and before you know it, a month has gone by.

Journey and I have been doing great lately. We have a good routine going and can handle when that routine changes a little which is great for both of us. She's enjoying school and has started learning her 1st grade words now. She's very proud of the fact that she's able to read now and soon I won't be able to spell things to keep them a secret. :-)

Our biggest news lately is that she is now "toothless". The dentist pulled her two front teeth and she's VERY proud. She looks in every reflection possible and has the biggest grin.

She has a birthday party next week to attend that she's looking forward to. Her birthday is next month and trust me, she has big plans to celebrate it all month. :-)

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Tae Kwon Do

Last night, Journey (AKA Kung Fu Panda) took her first Tae Kwon Do class. She had a great time and is looking forward to her next class on Friday.

When we talked about signing up, here's how the conversation went:

Me - Are you excited about taking TKD?
J - Yes BUT you know I will be a little shy AND (head tilted) I will need hand sanitizer.
M - Duly Noted!

I mean really, how else can I respond to that. Trust me, she used her fair share of sanitizer last night. Too funny!

Thank goodness the "master" (I would like to be called that at work LOL) mentioned that you don't use what you learn in class on people, pets or toys. Here's hoping she heard that or I'll have to sign Sophie up for TKD. She could be Kung Fu Puppy!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Wacky Dress Day

We've had a busy month but not as busy as December (thank goodness). As you can see from the video, today was Wacky Dress Day at school and she was VERY excited about her outfit. The only potential problem is if the other kids in her class didn't dress up, I will be in BIG trouble. Trust me, I saved the note announcing the event although she can't read.

We have a fun weekend planned. We are going to Victory Junction Gang Camp on Saturday for a function. I think she will really enjoy that.

She is truly a planner after my own heart. The other day, she asked me when it would be Christmas again. I said, 11 months and she said, okay - so I don't need to have my list together yet. I told her I thought she had some time.

Right now, she obsessed with her birthday which is in April. She tells me she's going to invite every girl she knows. Oh my, that could be an expensive not to mention loud party!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Our 1st Christmas

We had a great time together and stayed VERY busy. I enjoyed the beginning of some wonderful tradtions. Thanks Jackie for posting a great idea on my last blog. I bought her first ornament this year of course I need to catch her up but for now, we have started that tradition.

I hope you all have a Happy New Year!