Tuesday, August 31, 2010

No, I'm just grumpy...

Last night was too funny not to share.

This week is Journey's first full week of school. She's very tired when she gets home and sometimes a little moody. Well, last night she was just outright GRUMPY!

Here's how my night went.....

Kecia - "Oh look Journey, you have a new homework folder"
Journey - " That is MY folder"
Kecia - "Look Journey, right here it says P-A-R-E-N-T so that means we are supposed to share it"
Journey - "Look Mommy, right here on the front it says J-O-U-R-N-E-Y so that means it is mine"

I then bowed my head, closed my eyes and said, "Lord, grant me deaf ears tonight and protect her". LOL

So, as she played with her fork (after she was asked to stop) and dropped it she started complaining that she didn't have a fork to eat with. I told her that she had one it was just on the floor. She said she couldn't reach the kitchen sink to rinse it off. I told her she could reach the bathroom sink and the same water comes out. Her complaint then was - how will I dry it? I said run quickly and you can air dry it. She didn't think I was too funny.

So to the shower we went. Guess what I heard....(Insert whining sound) I don't want to take a shower. She gave up on that one pretty quickly and got in. She loves to take a shower but doesn't like getting in and out and then brushing her teeth. My solution last night - let her brush her teeth in the shower. So if you come for a visit and your shower is minty fresh - you know why.

Then off to read a book, our devotional book, prayers and bed. The book was new so she loved it. The devotional was PERFECT for our evening. It was referring to the things that you say and do are evidence of what is in your heart. I asked her if she knew what that meant and she didn't so I explained it. I told her that when she says mean or rude things that it is a sign of what's in her heart. She said, well sometimes there must be mean in my heart. I said it happens to everyone but that we should try to be kind. I told her I'd pray for her and she said good and I'll pray for you. Oh my...guess I better step up my game!

Hey, no meltdowns just grumpy.

This morning was great and I thanked her for it. She said, I told you I wasn't going to be grumpy when I got up. That you did my girl....That you did....

So, I hope my evening made you chuckle.

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